Your infant will be engaged in age-appropriate activities that will help them learn how to explore their world. Our nursery curriculum includes age appropriate activities, songs, and stories that will be sure to engage all their senses. Infants will hear the Biblical truths: "God loves me and He think I am special".
Your toddler will engage in age appropriate activities that introduce colors, numbers, shapes, animals and more. Our goal will be to support them as they learn to communicate, gain motor skills and explore through hands on play. Your toddler will hear Bible stories through songs and movement while exploring the Biblical truths: "God loves me, and He thinks i'm special". 
2 Year Olds
Your 2 year olds are learning new things everyday! Our goal is to help your child grow mentally and physically through play! Through play they will work on developing motor skills and their social skills. They will be introduced to colors, shapes, letters, and more. They will hear Bible stories through song, movement while exploring the Biblical truths: "God loves me, God created me, God wants to be my friend forever".
3 year olds
As your child enters preschool age, our goal will be to continue to support their social, mental and physical growth. Your child will begin learning through circle time, books, centers and crafts. They will explore letters, colors, and shapes through different themes and play each month.  They will hear Bible stories through song, movement, and explore the Biblical Truths: "Jesus loves me,  Jesus is God, and God made me! 
4 & 5 Year Olds
In our preschool program our goal is to prepare your child academically and socially for kindergarten. Your child will practice skills like writing their name, recognizing letters, and the sounds they make, exploring colors, shapes, numbers and more. They will learn daily through play, centers and movement. They will continue to gain confidence by gaining independence while practicing putting away their backpacks and opening their lunch each day. They will hear Bible stories through Bible time, songs, movements and more, They will explore the Biblical Truths: "Jesus is God, Jesus loves me, He wants to by my friend forever and I can choose to love Jesus".
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